
Late Night Venting.... Blind I For The Kids

I know that it's early as hell, but can I just take the time to say that BLIND I FOR THE KIDS is that shit! Like, seriously though, I can truly appreciate it when someone takes the time to recognize good music...and not just some good music, some shit that i'm postin as a favor to my homeboys, some shit that i got paid under the table to post, etc. etc. This is all REALLY GOOD MUSIC. And an indication, there aren't 500 million followers. The majority of the world does not know what real music is and some people do know what it is, but for a good buck, they'd sell out any day. Well, I refuse to sell out. I vow to only post good quality stuff on here (unless I'm posting it because i find the pure and utter fuckery amusing). Anyways, I'd like to give two thumbs up and an elbow to Blind I For The Kids for keeping it real and raw and authentic. My hat goes off to u!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha "utter fuckery". genius.
    well said, lovebaby. HEAR HEAR!


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